Thursday, April 24, 2014

Earth Week Continued...

Max and Hudson leaped into the classroom all smiles and so happy to be back in school today. At Meeting, we passed around the inflatable globe. Max and Hudson shared with us were they went over vacation.

"I drove in the car to Illinois to see Grandpa. This is north." Hudson said pointing to the top of our globe was is indeed north.
"I went to the beach and I found shells," said Max as he passed around the seashells he collected from Miami.

We talked about how we are celebrating Earth Week this week and how important is to save water, throw away our garbage into a trash can, and turn off the lights to save electricity. Then we went for a nature walk. Outside, we touched a tree. The children said it was bumpy and smooth. When we returned back to school, we read Five Senses: A Book About Spring. "I see the tree. I use my eyes," said Scarlett. " I felt the tree with my hands," added Brandon.

After Dance with Elizabeth, we mixed oats and rice with brown paint and glue and smeared all over white paper to make the bark for our Springtime Friendship Tree in the classroom. "It's bumpy and smooth," said Max as he felt the material. Then we dug in the sandbox and played with the mud in the sensory table. Before lunch, we sang 5 Green and Speckled Frogs.

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