Tuesday, November 26, 2013

"So Happy Together!"

After Hudson's Mommy left, Hudson said "I am so happy to be at Buckle My Shoe today!" Then Brandon and Hudson worked together with play dough each making their own instrument:

Brandon: "I try to make a guitar. I make strings."
Hudson: "I'm making a heart drums set."

At Morning Meeting, The Sweet Peas class sang Happy Birthday to Jenny, If You Are Happy and You know It, and Old McDonald Had a Band with Hudson on guitar (strum, strum), Brandon on cymbals (TSK!, TSK!) and Max on saxophone (doo, doo, doo). We read What's Love by Shelley Rotner and Deborah Carlin. We revisited the comments the children shared with us about what makes them happy.Then we talked about how Thanksgiving is a holiday where we have a BIG feast with our families and friends say "Thank you" and "I love you" to the special people we love.

We celebrated Jenny's birthday with a delicious fruit salad. Then it was straight to the chef's station to make our delicious berry fruit cobbler for the BMS Thanksgiving feast tomorrow. During Free Play, we played in the sandbox and drove to the park in the school bus. We sang The Wheels On the Bus the whole way there . and made sure to take lots of pictures. Before lunch we played instruments along to Happy Together by The Turtles. What a terrific day! Thanks for making Jenny's birthday so special! 

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