Wednesday, March 12, 2014

When The Moon Hits Your Eye...

Once the children arrived at school we worked more on our seahorse by gluing on different color tissue paper. We began Morning Meeting reflecting on the seahorse by looking at the cover of the book Mr. Seahorse by Eric Carle to see what we still need to add. 

"This!" said Scarlett and Nico making triangles with their arms.

"Aha ," said Jenny. "I think you mean fins." So we talked about how fish have fins. The next step is to add fins to the seahorse. 

This led to our next conversation about the moon. We looked at the moon in the book Papa, Please Get the Moon For Me by Eric Carle. "How did we say we would make the moon again?" Jenny asked the class. "Tiny or big," Brandon recalled. As we began to read the book to think of how to make our moon, we noticed that the copy of the book in the classroom is too small. So, we came up with the super idea of going to the Jefferson Market Library to get a bigger copy. The teachers drew a map of how we would get to the library. Then we explained that sometimes when you go the library they do not always have the book you want. So the next step would be to buy it at the bookstore if the library does not have it.

We sang Aikendrum before French and then it was off to the library! The children were amazing as we went on our big adventure. They held on to the rope, watched were they going, and were so careful.: Hooray  for the Sweet Peas Class! 

When we arrived at the library, Harry took pictures of us on the library steps. Once inside we asked the librarian for our book, but the library did not have it! So Harry is going to buy the book for us at the bookstore so that we can have a BIG copy. However, we did borrow three books so that we can explore the moon! Thank you Harry so much! Great work today Sweet Peas class!
 "when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie That's Amore!

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