Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Smiling Irish Eyes, Around the World, and Into Space

Scarlett arrived at school in a beautiful green Irish gown wearing a pretty red rose in her. We began Morning Meeting singing Come On and Sing With Me with instruments. Scarlett shared with us her Irish flag and we found Ireland on our globe. For snack, Scarlett shared delicious cupcakes with the Irish flag on them. 

Then we readied our passports, packed our luggage, and boarded the plane. First, we flew to France. Once we landed we stamped our passports and had French with Deborah. Then we flew to Belgium and tasted some chocolate. We boarded the plane once again. This time we visited Africa, Mexico, Ireland, Italy, China, and Egypt listening to music from each country.

After our journey, we asked Nico to be "the story picker" for today. She picked a book titled Astronaut which led to a wonderful conversation:

Jenny: What is an astronaut?
Lili: "Space. They are supposed to live in space. We are thinking about space."
Jenny: Why?
Scarlett: "They go to a rocket ship all the way up to the sky."
Jenny: Where?
Scarlett: "The moon. They go in the moon."
Jenny: Why?
Scarlett: "Because they got to get there in a ship."

Then we danced all the way to Puerto Rico where a rice and beans lunch were waiting for us from Debbie. We sang We've Got The World, Moon, Stars, and Sun In Our Hands. What an adventurous morning!

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