Friday, September 27, 2013

"Look up! Look Up In the Sky..."

We began our day singing the story about The Itsy Bitsy Spider as told and illustrated by Iza Trapani on the rug and dancing to The Goldfishby The Laurie Berkner Band. While the children ate snack, Jenny read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak, and Little Gorilla by Ruth Bornstein.
During Free Play, we played in the sand box and with the bubbles, babies, and ducks in the water table. The children continued to work on their friendship collage. Harry shared his cars with the class and we raced them on the "road"  map that Jenny made in the block area. As they were playing with Nadia,  the sunlight came in through the window. Brandon, Nico, and Lili noticed that their fingers make shadows. Brandon pointed to the window noticing that the sunlight was coming in and said, " Look up!" Sun! There's a tree!" Then Harry looked up at the window and said, " Look up in the sky! There is no rain!" (Stay Tuned For Video!)






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