At Morning Meeting, we talked about our field trip to Guitar Center. Hudson shared with us some instruments with might see: "a horn, a drum set, violin, bass, guitar, and harp." He drew us a picture to show us what a harp looks like and showed it the class. "Like this! It's a harp!" Hudson said with pride. Jenny showed everyone another image of a harp, too We sang Old McDonald Had a Band with our instruments. Next we marched to We Are the Dinosaurs by The Laurie Berkner Band.
During snack, the children spontaneously began to sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star together! It was so sweet to hear them break into song! Next, we read Little Gorilla by Ruth Bornstein. The children investigated light and shadows through dance and play. We painted leaves with watercolor and corn syrup for our "friendship/ thankful" tree. At Goodbye Circle, we sang Sambalae and read Little Gorilla by Ruth Bornstein once more. We are looking forward to our trip to Guitar Center on Thursday!

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