Friday, November 22, 2013

"Because It Wants To Go On A Bear Hunt. It Wants To Go Back."

Our morning began with Lili and Harry making "cookies" together with play dough. Brandon ran into the classroom excited to share with us his subway experience: "The train went really fast. It has wheels!" Lili and Jamie worked on their "thankful leaf" for our "friendship tree". As the children were busy working, Jenny went around and asked: "What makes you happy?" Here is what the children said:
Harry: "Some dinner makes me happy. I like hamburgers without tomatoes."
Lili: " Mama makes me happy."
Brandon: "I play with Annie and Grandma."
Jamie: "I play with Mama."
Nico: "My mommy."

During Morning Meeting we read Going On A Bear Hunt by Helen Roxenbury and Michael Rosen. As Jenny read the children read with her, "We have got to go through it." Nico commented," There are a lot of trees in the forest." Then she made her fingers walk of the train table. "Look Jenny! I am walking through the forest!" Then we got to the page with the bear. 

Jenny: "How does the bear look?"
Nico: "Enormous."
Brandon: "It's a big beer."
Harry: "Good."
Lili: "Good."
Jamie: "Enormous."
When we got to the last page of the book Nico said, " The bear is so sad."
Jenny: "Why is the bear sad?"
Lili: "Because it wants to go on a bear hunt. It wants to go back."

During Yoga, Lakshmi read My Daddy Is a Pretzel by Baron Baptiste. The children made all sorts of movements and poses as they turned their bodies into triangles, trees, dog, cat, cow, airplane, and pretzels. For Free Play, the children explored played at the train table and worked on their November Self Portraits. Ava and Sasha from the Sunflowers' class came to visit and Ava read Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak to the Sweet Peas class. 

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