When it was time to clean up, Jacob sounded the triangle. This initiated our conversation at Morning Meeting about jobs in the classroom. These are the ideas we have come up with the children so far: bell ringer, clean up inspector, 2 table wipers, attendance helper, book helper, sweeper, Days of the Week leader, and song leader.
Next, we investigated dried shaving cream, glue, and watercolor together with our hands. Jamie liked the way it felt so much, he wiped it on his nose and chin. Nico, Jamie, and Harry worked on their own individual shaving cream, glue, and watercolor mixtures using brushes to swirl. We are eager to see what they look like when they dry.
During Free Play, Jacob Harry, Brandon, and Jamie worked together to build train tracks. Nico and Scarlett put on wings and flew around the room pretending to be butterflies. Lili took care of her baby. While she was playing we heard her say, " We are going to the jungle to see the animals, We better hurry!" Then we had French with Deborah.
Before lunch, Brandon, Lili, and Jacob worked on their self-portraits. Then we had a very special delivery from Scarlett's family Happy Birthday, Moon by Frank Asch. The children loved the story and we are looking forward to reading it again. Thank you Scarlett!
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