Wednesday, January 15, 2014

"It's Sticky and Black"

We began morning stretching our bodies as we sang Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.  Nico and Lili commented on how much they liked the Big Apple Circus and want to go back which started a conversation. Here is what we said:

"I take the train with mommy to the circus." - Brandon
"I like it when the girls were flying." - Lili
"I like when the girls were flying, too. I saw clowns. Funny." - Nico

We finished our painting our Friendship Tree branches white. Lili painted a face at the easel  Scarlett and Lili put on a puppet show while Brandon and Jacob were cutiing with scissors. Then the children dug in the sandbox. We read The Fuschia Is Now and then painted with watercolor. The Sunflowers and Daisies classes were on a field trip so we went on a dragon hunt around the school. It was so fun.

When we returned back to our classroom, we explored clay for the first time with our hands and feet. "It's sticky and black" Lili said as she held a ball in her hands. The children patted, pulled, and jumped on the clay as they investigated this material  for the first time. Then we sang Beehive and Where Is Thumbkin? At lunch, we read A Rainbow Of My Own  by Don Freeman.

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