Lili noticed that there was a fly in the room so we began our day singing Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me. At Morning Meeting we sang Hello, Hello, Hello and How Are you, Who's At Buckle My Shoe Today?, There's A Spider On the Floor and read I Ain't Gonna Paint No More by Karen Beaumont.
Harry chose the books for us to read during snack. First we read and sang The Itsy Bitsy Spider as told and illustrated by Iza Trapani. Then Harry said, "Jenny, you have to read another one." "Okay, Harry." Jenny responded. "Can you pick a book out for me to read from the bookshelf?" "Sure" said Harry. He brought over Leaf Man by Loius Elhert. When we finished reading the story, Harry began an interesting conversation.
"I want to make a Leaf Man. I want to make a Leaf Man so I can hold it and sit with the Leaf Man!" said Harry.
"How do you want to make Leaf Man?" Jenny asked.
"From up there! Up there in our tree!" suggested Brandon as he pointed to the Friendship Tree in our classroom.
"No. I need to go out there and find one!" said Lili.
"I have to go all the way up there to the tree to make him and bring it down." Harry said.
"Yeah we have to go all the way up there in the tree!" Brandon responded.
"Go outside," suggested Jacob.
Nico, Lili, and Jenny went in to the Daisies' classroom to see if we could find enough natural materials to make Leaf Man. When we returned back into the Sweet Peas classroom we gathered together on the rug and looked at the leaves in the basket. "Do we have enough leaves to make Leaf Man?" Jenny asked the class. "No," said Harry. "We need more." The other children agreed with Harry that we needed more leaves. We came to the conclusion that we need to go out for a walk and collect more leaves to make Leaf Man. (We will do this on Wednesday if it is not too cold or raining.)
Then it was time for Project Work! Jacob shared with the class the different shape cut-outs he brought from home. The children used the shapes to make individual collages on white paper with glue bottles. Next, some children played at the train table while others explored the magnets in the sensory table.
The children danced and sang with Evan during Music as they imagined to take a train to Candy Land. Evan also sang
We'll Roll Down the Mountain and See Who Gets There First. Then Evan shared his "magic wish spinner" with the class and each child had a turn to spin it. What a terrific day!